As a Professional

We tend to overlook some of our own skills.When your mind is clogged up with the everyday problems . The saying cleanliness is close to Godlyness,well that’s true also with our minds. There’s so much we are exposed to these days, that we are so wound up with other people’s problems. We need to go …

2:27 In the morn thoughts

Do ya care about your family, friends, pet’s any living thing.If you do than you need to be the one to speak up for them and protect them.Time is one of the best take your time to listen fully find out and get envolved .(Every problem contains within itself the seeds to its own solution).Be …

Today I got to practice what I preach .

Few days ago I sold something that I thought only had one issue that was wrong with it. Last night I received A phone call that there was more problems , so after talking to and going to the house to see first hand the other problems . A decision was made by me to give a …