As a Professional

We tend to overlook some of our own skills.When your mind is clogged up with the everyday problems . The saying cleanliness is close to Godlyness,well that’s true also with our minds. There’s so much we are exposed to these days, that we are so wound up with other people’s problems. We need to go back to the basics, When a farmer needs to tend his crops ,yes he might use the latest technology, but he still has to do it before they go bad . Same with our skills,we can practice and practice, but if we don’t use them when the rod is hot . We miss the window of opportunity . So don’t be afraid to use what you have learned, and don’t make excuses! Remember look at message not the mispelled word .KeNneth BACH #Average Man face book, #@kbthinskin twitter, #kbthinskin5 google + photos and You tube , #kbthinskin2 Pintriss, #Global wholesale of daytona. WORDPRESS. COM IS MY BLOG! Find Me! Subscribe! Let me inspire you to be! Advertising YOU!

Published by kenbear2011@kbthinskin

MoTiVaTiOnAL SpEaKeR ! ProFessionaL SaLe'S MaNaGeR -LeAdEr In SaLe'S ! AfFiLiAtE MaRkEtEr ! Let Me ,AdVeRtiSe Or CaMpAyNe FoR YoUr BuS/Co. Or HeLp YoU FiNd YoUr TaLeNt !43YeAr'S Of SaLe'S ExPeReNcE ! FoLLoW Me Twitter/FacebooK

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